Day of Caring - Residential Project Request

Day of Caring - Residential Project Request
Project Site Address

Status message

Agreement and Terms of Residential Project

  • I must be the property owner for work to be completed.
  • My project is not guaranteed to be accepted for Day of Caring.
  • The Day of Caring is volunteer-led and the scope of work permissible is dependent upon the skillset of volunteers.
  • Major structural work cannot be performed such as roofing, replacing windows and/or doors, masonry work, etc.
  • Projects involving mold remediation, lead-based paint removal, and large amounts of trash/debris removal will not be performed due to safety concerns for volunteers.
  • All work performed must be able to be completed within six hours’ time.
  • If my request is accepted, I may not add additional tasks or ask volunteers to perform work not included on this application.
  • For safety reasons, we ask that all pets be secured and kept away from project areas so that volunteers may complete all work. I understand and will keep my pets secured at all times during the Day of Caring.

Certifying Statement:

By signing and dating, I hereby certify that I have reviewed this submission and found it to be accurate and in its entirety. I provide approval for all requested work and understand no additional work may be requested at this time.